Does Testagenix 180 Really Work? I Took It For One Month And Here’s What Happened
(Mens Health) You see the advertisements everywhere about male boosters and male performance enhancers, from Facebook to the radio and even on television. They promise increases in male performance, energy, muscle, sexual stamina, harder erections, etc. But do these supplements really work?, or are they all hype? Lately, I’ve been hearing that men are having incredible results with Testagenix 180, so I decided to put it to the test. I took it for one month and here’s my results.
The reason I chose Testagenix 180 for my test is because it’s made by Pure Bioactives, which is one of the most reputable supplement makers in the industry. It also doesn’t contain any cheap or harmful ingredients. It sources only the highest quality all natural herbal compounds and is very safe.
My Testagenix 180 Results
Goals: The goals that I was hoping to achieve were to increase my sex drive/libido, I wanted to lose some belly fat, and boost my energy levels to get better workouts in the gym.
Age: 58
Week 1: The pills arrived way faster than I expected them to. The company was running a promotion for new customers where they send you a 30 day sample bottle so you can try it out. You only have to pay $4.95 for shipping and handling, which is a great deal. I couldn’t wait to see if Testagenix 180 lived up to the hype. As soon as I received it in the mail, I started taking the maximum dosage and I started seeing results after about the third day. That third morning was memorable because I woke up with an intense boost in my libido and a massive erection. I rolled over and let my wife see it and then ended up having sex for the next 1 hour and 29 minutes. Carol didn’t know what hit her, we hadn’t had morning sex in years and that morning I was able to give her two orgasms.”
Week 2: After 2 weeks of using Testagenix 180 I continued to be experiencing a boost in sexual performance, which was amazing. By the second week I started noticing other things. I would wake up in the morning and I’d be ready to start my day. I wasn’t tired at all. I was getting much better quality sleep. I usually wake up every 3 to 4 hours during the night but I found myself sleeping through the night. I also seemed to have a boost in energy.
Week 3: After 3 weeks, all my doubts and skepticism had disappeared! My energy levels really picked up by week 3. I was waking up refreshed and ready to start the day every morning even without my morning coffee. My libido and drive got even stronger which I didn’t think was possible. One of the days during week 3, my wife and I had sex 3 times in one day, It was insane. The best way to describe how I was feeling is just way younger. By the end of week 3, I felt about 20 years younger.
Week 4: By week 4, I started hitting the gym again. I hadn’t worked out in over 3 years, but felt like I had enough energy and strength to start back into it. I also noticed a much improved mood. But maybe that’s because I was physically feeling so young and energetic.
In conclusion: To be honest, I was quite skeptical and thought there was no way a natural herbal pill would pack this much punch. But maybe that’s why men have used these herbs since ancient times. I think modern society relies way too much on pharmaceutical drugs and doesn’t even think of the natural solutions, which is quite sad.
My sex life with my wife is back like it was when we were teenagers. I also experienced increased energy, strength, and was noticeably sleeping better at night. With the increased energy, I even decided to start exercising and lifting weights again.
To this day, I still find it hard to believe that this stuff worked so well. Overall, I’d say that this supplement made me feel like a way younger version of myself, which has given me a big boost in confidence.
Aging sucks and I plan to take this to feel younger as long as I live. I’ve really never been happier. I’ve ordered a 6 month supply of Testagenix 180 and I’ll update this article to continue to show my results in the months ahead.
Will Testagenix 180 Work For You?
There is a lot of other male performance enhancers out there that you can try. Some of them include taking medicines with dangerous side effects. Others involve putting sticking yourself with needles. With so many options it’s only normal to be skeptical about results. I chose to try an all natural product and I’m very glad that I did. But instead of promising our readers anything, we challenge you to follow up my test and order a sample bottle for yourself.
Tom Johnson
New York, NY
If anyone is having a hard time finding the link, you can click this one –> http://track.attractionsolution.com/click
I’ve heard of this from one of my friends and was gonna try it. so funny that you are mentioning it here.. Def gonna try it now.
Awesome, let me know how it works out. I love hearing about the results 🙂
Great Article. I’m going to try this now.
You’re so welcome Chris 🙂 Let me know how it works out
This is great.. Thanks so much
That’s what I’m here for John 🙂
I currently use this and you’re right. It’s the best there is
It really is, I continue to hear great things from my clients who use it
Hi, I’ve come through Youtube video link and cannot find where to order a sample bottle
Hey Alex, here’s the link to the website where you can order a sample bottle –> http://track.attractionsolution.com/click